Chloe pays a visit
to her friend who has his rare and exotic bug collection spread out on
the floor. He proudly shows off his giant hissing cockroaches, millipedes,
and snails. Chloe is not impressed, and she steps on one “by mistake.”
Her friend is clearly upset, but Chloe doesn’t seem to mind. In
fact, her phone rings, and she struts all over the room in her strappy
high heels, not even noticing that she is stepping all over his bug collection.
She is completely oblivious to his cries of pain as his whole collection
is smashed to tiny pieces. She gets off the phone, and as she's about
to leave, she steps right on her friend’s head and back, demonstrating
the pain his creatures must have felt. On her way out, she spots a giant
crab and quickly crushes it before leaving her friend in tears. In the
next segment, Chloe is getting ready for an evening out. She is smoking
a cigarette, trying to decide which pair of leather gloves to wear. She
has a lively fish on the table, and when he doesn’t give an opinion,
she slaps it around. She decides to use the fish as a footrest while she
changes her shoes from peep-toe pumps to flats. She tests out each pair
on the fish. It’s body is too slippery, so she puts it under her
butt as a cushion. She slaps and punches it some more and then decides
her high heels are perfect for sinking into the fish. She finishes it
off with some vicious stomps before going on her merry way. 30 min. |