You are spying on sexy
Snowflake having a little phone fun. She is dialing a push button desk
phone with her nails glossy black. She is playing tunes from a song book
using the numbers, and you get close enough to hear the music she is making.
You get great shots of her fingers making melodies. She tells you how
much fun she has and what a workout her fingers got from playing the buttons
for you. In the second segment, Chloe calls her friend Diana on her push
button desk phone. She reveals she has magic powers and is able to crush
Covid once and for all! She has a special drink prepared that makes her
immune, drinks it, and summons all of the Covid into a box at her feet.
Her fingers tear the box apart then she stomps it flat under her heels.
It was as easy as that! Chloe uses the phone again to call Diana and
tell her to come over for a celebration! Chloe starts using the phone
as her musical instrument, playing the ringtones to make songs of celebration.
Watch her silver polished fingernails dial out different tunes in celebration.
35 min. |